My chosen divine being
When people ask me if I’m religious, I respond “yes but, I believe….” this is because often I feel when people ask you this simple question, the underlying question is really do you believe in the god that I believe in? I always know that I don’t. I believe in a god that is the sum total of all people. This is where the power of prayer makes sense to me, by prayer we are manifesting change in our environment, and the energy we put out is eventually what we will receive back. When people say everyone is inherently good I believe they mean everyone seeks some combination of satisfaction, fulfillment, or happiness in their life. The majority of people get this by doing things that generally help people. Others get this feeling by doing things that are destructive to people. To have hope we need to put trust in something outside of our control. Another presence on our team is reassuring and lets us focus on the things we can control rather than everything outside our cont...