looking out for My body


Over the past month, I have run into the same problem 3 times. Not taking enough responsibility for my own body. The first incident took place in Colorado. I knew I would be doing much more therapy than usual, almost twice as much in fact. Still, I neglected to schedule a massage. At home, I get one every week, in Colorado I decided I could go a week and a half without one. I said to myself what's another couple of days, right? Wrong. My shoulders got too tight and I cranked my neck leading to a lost range of motion and pain for about three days. I was angry mostly with myself, but also with the adults around me. 

In the second incident, I took control. Mountain biking in Utah was a big event and while it was exciting I knew the risk involved. I wanted to stay safe and not tip my bike over, yet I was being peer pressured by one of the staff in a subtle way to join in on trying to wheelie. Luckily I held my ground but later reflected that this certain staff did not have the safety of my body in mind. They wanted me to feel the rush of adrenaline that they live for and had little regard for what I valued or lived for. 

The third event took place at a tennis camp in the twin cities. I was super excited for the second day but was very sore. I asked the main coach if we could go through a stretching routine. He said yes, but then immediately moved into the daily activities without any type of warm-up or stretching routine whatsoever. Later while we were doing our serves I ripped my neck out again. This time I was furious, how could I have put my trust in an adult and neglected my body again? I said to them I should have stretched over and over again hoping they might take some responsibility. 

Finally, nothing was said so I fired a shot saying “we were about to do the stretching routine but didn’t” they got defensive. They wouldn’t take responsibility for my care in their camp. It surprised me that I as a young paraplegic who got hurt doing something disrespectful to my body should be expected to go against what adults say and take care of my body. 

Not only do adults not take responsibility for my body they don’t take responsibility for their own. People who I have talked to that have injured their shoulders doing wheelchair sports blame themselves as opposed to the sport. When in reality it is the sport that has destroyed their shoulders over a long period of time and the single slip-up they blame is actually a result of repetitive damage to their shoulders. Things like tennis, mountain hand cycling without e assist and various other wheelchair sports are incredibly taxing on our shoulders. especially when in combination with other strenuous daily activities. 

Luckily I have my own plans for myself and from here on out, no adult shall be trusted with my body. Over the next year, I will slowly create a rock-solid routine to keep my body and mind as healthy and strong as possible to defend against any reckless acts against my body. Each aspect of my body and mind will work as a team so I can lead a happy and healthy life. 


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