Mantra's that kinda have to do with Friends

 Recently at a grad party, I asked a friend what his advice for me was in college. He thought for a solid minute before responding don’t underestimate the value of friends. I was pleasantly surprised. At that moment it hit me how much I truly did value my close friends. They played a vital role in my life, and how it felt to have a family outside my parents and sisters. 

There is this black and white concept I’ve been battling in my head recently. The question is “can behavior be justified by circumstance?” my own truth on this topic is that for people who are closer to me or my friends I can come to a compromise. They always say relationships are a compromise and friendships are no different. 

Since my hyper-productive phase, I have questioned the importance of spending time with friends and more specifically the things I do with my friends. I have found that this is mostly ok when I’m not with friends, but if I am with them and thinking about how productive it is that is a complete waste. If I’ve made the decision to hang out with people I should just enjoy it. Not waste it by taking myself out of the moment and questioning if It is really worth it. 

My friend was telling me how they felt lonely and the only thing I could think of was my dear friend Bernie telling me “I could either sit at home and feel sorry for myself because nobody wants to hang out or I could ask someone else to hang out that is probably feeling the same way.” so that’s what I told her and that’s what I am telling you the reader of this blog.  

The last ruminating thought I’ve been having is that all mental health therapy comes back to the same mantra “stop feeling sorry for yourself” which I feel couldn’t be more true. When you do a simple “stop feeling sorry for yourself” search on google a list of 10 ways to stop feeling sorry for yourself comes up and it includes many methods in self-help and approaches therapists take. 


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